Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you break up with a guy that you really dont want to hurt, and you still want to be friends? ?

At first, I thought he was great. But now I realize that he is more the lovable little brother, which means I still want to be friends, and I would really hate to hurt his feelings. I just cant stand it anymore!How do you break up with a guy that you really dont want to hurt, and you still want to be friends? ?
Have you ever heard the saying..

';By breaking up with someone and telling them you can still be ';friends';, it's like your dog dying and your mom saying you can still keep it.';

You can't go from being in a relationship to being friends (it's much easier going from being friends too in a relationship =P ) without someone getting hurt.

You're going to have to hurt him, but break it to him gently. And wait a little while before you decide to try to ';be friends';. He's going to be sad, and sore, and upset for a little while and jumping the friendship gun right away will give him the wrong idea--and ultimately hurt him more later on.How do you break up with a guy that you really dont want to hurt, and you still want to be friends? ?
Rejection usually hurts the other person's feelings. That's just how it is. Just be honest and tell him you appreciate his interest but you two aren't a good romantic'd enjoy having him as a friend though.

He'll react however he reacts. Some people would rather remain friends than lose that person from their life...others find it too hard to be platonic friends with someone when they desired something more romantic.
I know exactly how you feel! I have to break up with this guy that i have been dating for a month and he's a really nice guy but he's too nice. He's so nice that it's almost boring and we don't have anything to talk about. He is afraid to touch me. ugh. it's like he thinks we have to be 2 feet apart at all times or i'll give him cooties! lol. I have been trying to break up with him for 2 weeks now but i just can't do it. I am going to break up with him tomorrow for sure though. I plan to just tell him that it isn't working because we don't have enough in common and i see him more as a really good guy friend than a long term boyfriend. Just one thing, if you don't want to be friends with him after you break up then don't say that you want to be friends just because you think that's what you have to say to make him feel better. I've done that before. haha. BAD IDEA. I plan to do this on the phone. i just don't think i could do it in person. from my experience it's always worse if you string him along and beat around the bush. just say it! the sooner you tell him the easier it will be for both of you. Good luck! now i gotta go break up with mine. lol.
Just tell him how you feel. Pretty much no matter what, his feelings are going to be hurt, but you two can still have a great relationship if you tell him you think of him as family.
then tell him that, it's going to hurt no matter what. no way around it. but if your determinded, you can stay friends
tell him that you love him as a friend , but you are not in love w/ him %26amp; that you think a friendship relationship would be best, be honest %26amp; best of luck
IDK, but I'll tell you this. If he really loves you, he wont want to be just friends. Atleast thats the way I felt.
Talk about it with him.
try some time apart till his affections go away...
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