Friday, August 20, 2010

How to break up with a guy???

Im dating this guy and i REALLY like him and all but im going to school tomorrow and at this school and there are 3 other schools combined into one and im worried that i'll start to not like him... for future reference, how would i break up with him??How to break up with a guy???
I had the same prob

I hadnt seen my bf in like 3 weeks and we were going into high school which meant that there were going to be like 3 other schools going there and i was worried that i would start to like someone else...and i wanted to know how i would tell him if i wanted to....but to be honest with u...ur prob not going to like anyone else right away.

I mean u may see someone that u like (looks wise) but no on is going to appeal to u instantly. Most guys come off really nice in the beginning of school and then after a few weeks you see how they really are and u are happy to have ur boyfriend and are glad that he is actually a decent guy...

But if u do like someone else then i would let him down easy without telling him that u like someone else. And dont go out with the other person for a while because that would just be a horrible thing to do. because then he would deff know that u broke up with him for this other guy. Just tell him that school is really stressing u out and u dont want the added stress of having a boyfriend or something like that.

Good Luck!!! =]

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